

Jen Baranovic

When I was younger, I begged the Universe for Divine Access, for the deep knowings to be revealed. I could sense them all around me, burdened and heavy with the fruit of messages but largely silent to my own hungry ears. I sought a meeting with god in every innocent and reckless way the naïve often do. “Show me the Truth!” I shouted into the void. But this Truth I imagined, like a radiant supernova bottled in the eyes of the Other, like sparkling prisms of dew revealing the secrets of the akashic web, did not arrive.

The day the Truth came was the worst day of my life. It showed up in the tattered, dirty robes of grotesque and wanton destruction, clawing through my heart. It came and Took from me the most precious things this life had given.

And I sat there, bare in my grief, surrendered in pain, and watched the Door swing open.

This was not a cosmic joke, the Universe did not laugh at me in my ruined state. It simply sat there, holding me, as if to say, “Now you are ready for what you have asked for.”

Deep wisdom does not come for free. Even in knowing this, we will be humbled to prostration as our greatest revelations are not bought with what we think we have to offer. We cannot say, “This amount is the price I am willing to exchange for knowing.” It will take more, it will take what it wants. We will not have consciously entered the bargain, and we will not be so bold as to assume we are owed anything. We will not bring ourselves to our own arrival in the halls of Knowing. If we are able to raise our heads, though, we will find that our ears have been sharpened for Listening. We will feel in our cells the reality of our existence, slung in suspension in the paradox of its divinity and fragility. We will unclench our tired fingers from the need to name the mystery, and we will look at them in awe of their embodiment of it.

The truth is, most of us are incapable of experiencing the Truth, unwilling to expand beyond our own comforts and comprehension. We are the ones bolting the doors around us to keep ourselves warm and safe inside the house of our limitation. For those seeking understanding, we must consider that our work is perhaps less about learning to pry the hinges apart to see through, and more about learning to not turn away when the doors are blown off of their frames in front of us.

Bless this life, even on the days it feels impossible. Those are the days we are standing with our hands on the framework of Truth, realizing the full extent of what we have come here to experience.



About Me

My lived experiences will always be my greatest qualification. Those times that I have been annihilated and blown into outer space in a million pieces, completely surrendered in my life, have shown me again and again that the process of Becoming is a practice. My own healing journey honors those selves that I have been before this one as necessary aspects of myself that were always doing the best they could, despite conditioning that engulfed me entirely at times, despite painful choices that I made, despite all of the circumstances of my life and my being. My call into service arrived not on the day that I had mastered my life or collected enough certifications, but on the day that I looked at this life and broke open into complete devotion to it, exactly as it is.

I am a student of this life, eternally curious about what it means to thrive, especially after enduring trauma or loss. I am constantly expanding my own practice and education. My certifications include: yoga (RYT-200), Ayurveda Specialist, Creative Grief Support, Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy, and Reiki Level 1. My facilitation also includes techniques, information, and underlying philosophies from training, workshops, retreats, and practices I have attended and incorporated into my embodied wisdom, as well as my natural gifts. These include but are not limited to: 


shamanic journeying

soul retrieval

ritual and ceremonial facilitation

forest bathing and earthing

sound baths/ singing bowls/ resonance

dreamwork/ lucid dream medicine

rebirthing breathwork


Kundalini and kriya yoga

Restorative yoga

Vinyasa flow

Yin yoga

yoga therapy

guided meditation


Vipassana meditation

women’s circles

womb awakening

chakra assessment and healing

subtle energy containment and balancing

metaphysics and energy healing

Applied Polyvagal Theory

trauma as a gateway to healing

Somatic Experiencing

intuitive asana

intuitive dance/ DANCEmandala


ancestral connection


Crystal healing 

elemental medicine

5 element theory

Cacao ceremonies

Compassionate inquiry

Physical cleansing/ fasting protocols

gut-brain axis healing/ food as medicine

essential oils

herbal medicine/ wildcrafting/ foraging

self-empowerment/ breaking cycles of codependence and lineage trauma


narrative therapy

positive psychology

social constructionism

INELDA death doula training

end of life education and outreach/ hospice volunteering

Hakomi Method

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

Somatic Stress Release

Internal Family Systems

Somatic Attachment Theory

Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR)

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Embodied Social Transformation


My eternal gratitude for those in lineages outside of my own heritage that have opened and included me, and given me blessings to practice and disseminate their traditions in the hope that each of us who heals will help to heal the world. May I be a worthy conduit for the gifts you have shared.